Finals, finlas, finals... !

This one is self explanatory... First round of my finals school exams= stress overload

All that fall fashion !

Cleaning out closets and shopping for new fall clothing, love it.

My 18th birthday !

Finlly turning 18 on the 21st of September, whoo! 

Travelling !

Possibly traveling somewhere in September, hopefully.

Coffee dates and more coffee dates !

The best thing about the colder weather are coffee dates with friends, family & my bf. 

Shooting outfits

Shooting outfits is always most fun in autumn, so a lot of content is coming.

Hämmentyneenä mutta valmiina ollaan nyt sitteen päästy syyskuuhun, what? Tää kuukausi tuo mukanaan niin monia juttuja, osa ihania ja osa sitten ei niin ihania niin kuin te tosta ylempää osaatte varmasti erotella. Mulla on viimesen reilun viikon ajan ollut proggis uusia tämä mun ulkoasu ja jonnekin ollaan jo päästy, mutta ei vielä ihan valmista ole tullut, step by step!

//Confused yet ready we now have arrived in September, hum what? This month brings so many different things with it, some good and some not as nice things as you can see from above. For a little more than  a week I´ve been trying to fix and freshen up my blog layout, we´ve gotten somewhere but not quite there yet ! Slowly but surely. 

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