I´ve seen this fall tag or list on a few blog including Julias and thought it was really fun so I decided to share it with you guys too. Here we go! 

The best beauty product? Lush face masks that help my flaky skinin the colder weather. 

What color du you prefer on your nails? My fave grey shade by Sally Hansen that I always have on, simple and neat. 

Favorite piece of clothing? Warm coats and cozy knits. 

Favorite accessory? Cool belts and rings + chokers. 

Favorite color on clothes? Simple ones like grey, black, nude and dark green for the fall/winter time.

What is the best thing about fall? Having more routines and sticking to them! Plus the cozy coffee and dinner dates with my family, bf and friends. 

What is the bad thing about fall? The weather.. Some days it´s cozy but too much is too much, it can easily bring you down. 

The best drink? A soy vanilla latte, I hate Pumpkin spice lattes haha. 

What do you listen to right now? I listen to a lot of Frank Ocean, the 1975 and James Arthur at the moment. 

Favorite tv series? Hands down White Collar, 10/10 highly recommend! Also Modern Family makes me laugh a lot when I need a pick me up. 

Favorite scent? Musky seats like my Dolce&Gabbana perfume and mahogany candles. 

Are you going away on a trip? Yup, first off is a long weekend getaway to London with my sisters, it was their bday present to me, I´m so excited! The next one is technically in the winter time, but late December we are travelling to Lisbon and Cape Verde, I can´t wait. 

What do you prefer doing on a rainy day? Going to the gym, or for a coffee date or just staying in watching netflix and relaxing with some candles. 

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8 kommenttia

  1. Ihana postaus! Tuo kynsilakkamerkki on miulle entuudestaan tuntematon, pitääkin tutustua. :)

    1. Kiitos! x Suosittelen, super suuri värivalikoima ja ne ei käytä eläinkokeita.

  2. Millä VSCO filtterillä muokkaat kuvasi ? :-)

  3. Moi Aurora!! Mua kiinnostais postaus sun veganismista jos otat ideoita vastaan ;-) mutta siis eli miten alotit, mitä yleensä arkena/päivässä syöt, miten vastaat ihmisille jotka ihmettelee sun valintaa ja miten järjestät sun syömiset esim koulussa jne!!
    Tosi mielellään kuulisin sulta täst aiheesta :-)!

    1. Moikka! Tosi kiva kuulla, noi ideat pyörii aina mun päässä mutta joskus miettii kiinnostaako monia. Yritän pian saada tommosen tehtyä, kiitos ideasta! x


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